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Advanced Drums
Andrew Stone Drums
Stone-Kick Drum (6:59)
Stone-Snare Drum (9:30)
Stone-HiHat (3:25)
Stone-Toms (5:54)
Stone-Cymbals (5:06)
Stone-Drum Overheads (7:08)
Stone-Drum Bussing (7:20)
Stone-Drum Verb (7:16)
Stone-Distressor (5:42)
Stone-Blending drums as one instrument (7:30)
Stone-Blending Drums with the Band Mix (7:16)
Jeff Sandstrom Drums
Jeff-Kick Drum (6:34)
Jeff-Snare Drum (7:30)
Jeff-HiHat (2:04)
Jeff-Toms (6:02)
Jeff-Overheads (4:40)
Jeff-Drum Bussing (4:05)
Jeff-Drum Verb (5:24)
Jeff-Blending drums as one instrument (3:19)
Jeff-Blending Drums with the Band Mix (3:37)
Lee Fields Drums
Lee-Kick Drum (5:07)
Lee-Snare Drum (8:00)
Lee-HiHat (3:06)
Lee-Toms (4:07)
Lee-Overheads (4:04)
Lee-Drum Bussing (3:51)
Lee-Drum Verb (4:28)
Lee-Blending drums as one instrument (4:57)
Lee-Blending Drums with the Band Mix (4:10)
Stone-Blending Drums with the Band Mix
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